Sunday, August 16, 2009

8 1/2 by 11

After we broke up I took a shower and let myself let everything go while I was in there. But now, 24 hours later, I feel absolutely blank.

(And if you close your eyes we will always be, the way we were that night you crawled inside of me)


Woozie said...


Me said...

Wait, what!?

skinnylittleblonde said...

Read this last night, listened to the video (which I loved, btw) and then got lost on Pandora(internet radio)
Honestly Amelie, Friday night in a deep conversation with a friend about my divorce, my marriage, men I had dated and such...I realized and stated that looking back I could honestly say that I cannot regret a single break up. Not a one. Ego takes a hit in the short haul, but in the long haul...nothing lost.
You'll get through & be the better for it.
Time & Faith..

Enemy of the Republic said...

Hang in there. Skinny writes good stuff to you here.

Amélie said...

Wooz: ({) back lol.

Orhan: ... yeahhh.

Skinny: I hope you're right. I think deep down I know you are, and despite how hard it is to let go after so long, I think it might just be for the best. I'm doing a lot better this time compared to how I dealt with things a few years ago. I guess I must be growing up.

Enemy: I agree :) And thank you.

r said...

Hey love, guess who followed you back to blogspot? =)

now I can post comments!

Blogspot brings back some intense nostalgia.

Amélie said...


And yes it does. Nostalgia is such a trap sometimes for me.